
你還記得《海扁王》裏那個頭戴紫色假發、穿連體黑皮衣、外披黑色風衣、戴黑眼罩的,善耍蝴蝶刀與武士刀,以研究各類武器為樂,對各種槍械了若指掌的血腥暴力小蘿莉“超殺女”嗎?小蘿莉長大了,不過依然超萌,她就是美國天才童星——科洛·莫瑞茲。她最近又參演了《德州殺場》了?驚悚恐怖喔!快來看看專訪吧。Tags:專訪 | 科洛·莫瑞茲 | 萌妹Chlo Moretz is at an age where most girls are sending texts by the hundreds, screaming for a glimpse of Justin Bieber and getting anxious about high school. She may well be dabbling in all that -- she's quite giggly, at least over the phone -- but at 14, she's got a grasp on some pretty dark material, too.

   科洛·莫瑞茲這個年紀的女孩子們,大都要麼忙著狂發簡訊約會,要麼大呼小叫只因窺了賈斯汀比伯一眼,要麼正在熱烈期盼著高中生活的到來。這些事情也許她也都干過——至少在電話那頭的她總是那麼愛笑——不過對于14歲的孩子來說,她已經涉世不淺了。Moretz started working on the TV series "The Guardian" at age 7, and her first major film role came a year later. It was in "The Amityville Horror," the 2005 demon slasher film. From there, she starred in six different films that dealt with either horror or death, or both. After a cute turn in "(500) Days of Summer," her true leading breakout role came in 2010's "Kick-Ass," in which she played a hardboiled vigilante killer who left plenty of corpses in her wake.
莫瑞茲7歲時便開始在美劇《法網雄風》(The Guardian)裏嶄露頭角,隨后第二年她便在一部電影裏出演主角。那就是2005年的驚悚恐怖電影《鬼哭神嚎》(The Amityville Horror)。從那以后,她前后參演了六部內容涉及恐怖或者死亡或者兩者兼有的電影。在電影《和莎莫的500天》( (500) Days of Summer)中的出色表演讓她來了一個華麗的轉身,并且終于在2010年迎來了她真正意義上的最具突破性的角色,在電影《海扁王》(Kick-Ass)裏飾演一個血腥暴力的超殺女。Now, Moretz is featured in yet another twisted role, playing an abused young girl in the Ami Mann-directed murder procedural "Texas Killing Fields." Slapped around and sent packing by a drug addict mother and her merry-go-round of methed-up boyfriends, Moretz's Little Anne Sliger is a tough, middle finger waving vagabond, who gets a modicum of protection from Sam, Jeffrey Dean Morgan's religious New York City cop transplanted to Texas City. Once again, the part seems antithetical to the big-eyed, soft-featured innocence she projects, but she wears the southwestern squalor like it was caked on from the start.

   現在,莫瑞茲又飾演了另外一個扭曲的角色,在艾米曼執導的兇殺劇情電影《德州殺場》(Texas Killing Fields)裏飾演小安妮斯利格,遭到一個吸毒單身母親和她的那些換得跟走馬燈似的嗑藥男友們綁架,莫瑞茲飾演的小安妮斯利格是一個倔強叛逆的流浪少女,她獲得了薩姆和由杰弗裏·迪恩·摩根飾演的一位紐約警探的幫助。雖然這一次的角色仍然與她一臉無辜的楚楚可憐形象完全相反,不過她這次的穿著從一開始就是臟兮兮的破衣爛衫。Sam Worthington and Jessica Chastain costar as detectives working along with Dean Morgan to investigate a series of murders that end with bodies dumped in a swamp bearing the name that gives the film its title. The film hits theaters in limited release on Friday.
薩姆·沃辛頓和杰西卡·查斯坦聯袂出演同由迪恩·摩根飾演的一位紐約警探聯手調查一個連環兇殺案件的偵探,該連環兇殺案的殺手將尸體丟棄在德克薩斯州沿海油田的一處地方,因此影片就因此得名“德州殺場”。該電影是限制級影片,限定在周五放映. HuffPost spoke to Moretz earlier this week, discussing this role and the prolific career she's had thus far.
   赫芬頓郵報本周早些時候對話莫瑞茲,談論此角色及她到目前為止所取得的豐富多彩的演藝事業。What is it about such tough, dark roles that interests you?
   到底是什麼讓這些暴力又黑暗的角色如此吸引你?I think it's fun because -- I don't know, I don't like... The damsel in distress roles are always kind of the same; they're always repetitive. I think it's more fun to have a role that is different, and you're able to portray a different side of women. Because forever it's always been the damsel in distress. It's fun to play the leading women.
   我覺得是有趣因為——我不知道,我并不喜歡……那些悲悲戚戚的可憐小女孩的角色總是一個樣子;重復來重復去的。我覺得能飾演一個不一樣的角色更有趣,你可以詮釋女性的另一面。因為一直以來女性都是弱勢的可憐的。能嘗試一下有領導力的強勢的女性角色很有趣。Did you ever want to do a Disney star type of thing, like most actresses your age?
   你有沒有想過要做一個迪斯尼明星之類的,就像和你同齡的大部分女演員一樣?I really like projects that are dark and meaty and really where I can portray someone that I'm not. I'd rather not do a role where I'm playing myself because it wouldn't be fun for me, because I like playing someone who is not me. 我真的喜歡那些陰暗的結實的又真實的角色,從中我可以扮演和我自身完全不同的人物。我不愿意扮演我自己因為那對我來說不好玩,因為我喜歡扮演不是我自己的角色。So, why were you interested in this film, specifically?
   那麼,為什麼你對這個影片感興趣,有什麼特別的嗎?I think because the role was an interesting role. I think it was the relationship between Sam and her that I found really interesting. Sam needs someone to love and father, he needs someone to father and be that parental figure. And [my character] just needed someone to love me and take care of me so I could just let my guard down and be a normal girl. And so I think the way that unspoken kind of thing happens between them, I think that's kind of special... I love how she changes from the beginning of the film to the end. 我覺得是因為這個角色很有意思。我覺得是她與薩姆之間的那種關系和情感讓我真正感興趣的。薩姆需要某個人來付出他的感情和父愛,他需要某個人來讓自己成為父親。而(我的角色)恰恰需要一個人來愛我照顧我,這樣我才能卸下我的警惕而變成一個正常的女孩子。所以我覺得他們之間那種不可言說的感覺,我覺得哪十種特殊的……我喜歡她從影片伊始到最后結束時所發生的那些改變。How was it working with such big co-stars, like Sam Worthington and Jessica Chastain?
   與這些大牌的明星,像薩姆沃辛頓和杰西卡查斯坦,和他們合作感覺怎麼樣? It was amazing. I absolutely love Jessica Chastain. And actually, when I worked with her, she hadn't fully broken out yet with all of her movies that are out now. So when I met her I was like, 'What are you up to?' And she named about 15,000 movies and I was like, 'Oh wow, you've been very busy.' And then I realized how amazing she was at acting. She just transformed that character. And I know that character -- she actually based it on an actual woman. I thought that was so cool that she kept in contact with that woman and sent emails to her and they went to lunch and stuff. I think Jessica is such a phenomenal actress. 感覺棒極了。我超愛杰西卡查斯坦。事實上,當時我和她合作時,她的影片還沒放映,她還沒像現在這樣大紅大紫。所以,當我碰見她時我就像,‘你演過什麼?’然后她說出了大約1萬5000部電影,然后我就好像‘喔,哇噢,你一定很忙。’后來我才知道的表演有多棒。她融入到那個角色裏去了。我知道那個角色——她真正地基于一個真實的女人的角度來演繹的。我覺得那真是太酷了,她設法聯絡上了那個女人并給她發電子郵件,她們還一起吃飯聊天。我覺得杰西卡是一位非常杰出的演員。Do you want to start playing real people and doing research like that?